Mahatma Gandhi was once asked what he thought of western civilization. He replied that he thought it would be a good idea. The same thought comes to mind when considering managing maintenance and the management skills needed.
Maintenance leaders often become leaders by the touch of the magic wand.
The wand works in mysterious ways.
The wand will transform a person that has never been in a leadership position into a leader without training, coaching, job description or direction from peers.
The Wand touching usually happens around 5:30 pm and magically (hence the name) transforms the person to a maintenance leader by 6:00 am the next morning. It may be the best maintenance tool yet on the market!
Examples of magically transformed people are young engineers taking supervisory positions, senior engineers becoming maintenance managers, craftspeople becoming maintenance planners, and purchasing people becoming maintenance spare parts managers.
Managing Maintenance Skills Training

If you’ve been touched by this wand and need management skills training on your new role, watch our “What’s my job” series on YouTube or contact us to coach you.