Common Sense Consulting and Training
for your manufacturing maintenance team
For a manufacturing plant, a halt in production is devastating.
At IDCON, we understand the pressure you face trying to build a reliable plant.
We provide side-by-side reliability and maintenance consulting and training designed to keep your equipment running.
For over 45 years, we’ve partnered with hundreds of manufacturing plants around the world to eliminate the costs and the pressure caused by unreliable equipment.
And we would love to do the same for you.

Who We Are
We believe in practical, common sense solutions to reliability and maintenance management improvements.
Our Results Oriented Reliability and Maintenance (RORM) philosophy is based on prioritizing actions based on cost (including time) vs. actual results.
Our philosophy has used the same core principles of reliability and maintenance work systems while we have embraced new technology to accelerate those core principles.
The core principles of planning, scheduling, preventive maintenance, root cause, and spare parts management are still true today, while technology has helped speed up execution (for the most part).

Our Team
Our people are exceptionally experienced in reliability and maintenance work processes and change management. We have experience from Oil and gas, pulp and paper, chemicals, mining, food, pharmaceutical, steel, and cement.
In fact, most of the IDCON team has experience as planners, supervisors, maintenance managers and corporate reliability, some of our people have a maintenance experience combined with mill management and/or CEO’s.
When you work with IDCON you’re getting help from people who have done what you do, been in your shoes, and solved the same problems you deal with every single day.
IDCON Mission, Vision and Values
IDCON is a highly specialized management consultant firm in the field of reliability and maintenance management. We work with all types of industry and we work with customers all over the world. Our mission is to improve overall reliability and minimize total production cost.
Our Mission
“To help our clients improve overall reliability and lower manufacturing and maintenance costs.”
Our Vision
We will be the preferred choice of reliability and maintenance consultants: for heavy process industries
in English and Scandinavian speaking countries.
Our Values
- our customer base
- our employee’s long term
- quality consulting
- our philosophy
- our documentation and consulting tools
Are you ready to regain control of your plant?
Give us a call today
See how you and your team
can actually get ahead and stay there.