Digital Cameras

Digital cameras, with the addition of simple notes, are a very powerful planning tool and can save hours of work. Here are a couple of examples:

Digital camera and failure

Here the message to the tradesperson is clear, and it took just seconds. The text and arrows are added using the “Drawing” tool bar, in MS Word.

In the second example, a laser pointer was used with a digital camera to show the location of a leak in a pipe 15 ft above the floor. Once again, just seconds to take the photo and add the text.

laser pointer used with a digital camera

Compare the time it takes using a digital camera to pass on detailed information with the time it takes to make sketches or write detailed descriptions. Then compare the cost of a digital camera to the value of your time as a planner, and its clear that this is a tool that no planner should be without.

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Picture of Torbjörn Idhammar

Torbjörn Idhammar

President & CEO, IDCON Inc. Reliability and Maintenance Consultant

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