Search Results for: cost

Maintenance Management: Current Maintenance Best Practices

Before we discuss current maintenance management best practices, we must first discuss comparing maintenance cost with ERV You have been told you that your maintenance cost as a percent of estimated replacement value (ERV) is 4.6% and that this is too high. Best performers, you are told, should have maintenance cost lower than 3% of

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How to Improve Your Plant Shutdown Turnaround Maintenance

Part of your work management after a plant shutdown is to do a team evaluation so you can improve your plant shutdown turnaround maintenance process. A closeout review or critique meeting gathers all the information from the last event so you can prepare for the next event. It is the ammunition your organization can use

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Reliability and Maintenance: Does the Activity Match the Goal?

A potential client asked if IDCON could do a productivity study of the hourly maintenance staff. My initial reaction was “WHY?” and I am sure my facial expression was probably one of disbelief.  But quickly, my manners and professionalism caught up with me and I posed the same question again, this time with a more

Reliability and Maintenance: Does the Activity Match the Goal? Read More »

IDCON’s Powerful Shutdown Turnaround Optimization Process (S-TOP)

IDCON’s Shutdown Turnaround Optimization Process reviews the best practices to safely reduce shutdown duration and costs. The process reviews the 6 distinct phases of shutdowns or turnarounds at plants of any type. This process can be applied to both annual shutdown/ turnarounds and outage down days. The six phases of the Shutdown Turnaround Optimization Process

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5 Steps to Document Your Preventive Maintenance Program

An effective Preventive Maintenance program should result in better equipment and production quality.  Let’s look at the tasks you need to develop and manage your preventive maintenance program through the eyes of a new Reliability Engineer.  This RE works in a plant that currently lacks documented procedures. Want to learn more about what a Reliability

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Reliable Storeroom and Spare Parts Organization – What Good Looks Like

Our storeroom and spare parts organization are usually the area with more opportunities regarding reliability operation. What does good look like? What elements are needed? How can we change our stores towards these best practices? Several elements are taken in consideration: Master Data Storeroom Organization Storeroom Operation Inventory Control Quality Program PM program Reports, KPI’s

Reliable Storeroom and Spare Parts Organization – What Good Looks Like Read More »

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8 Steps to Successfully Implement Preventive Maintenance

Reduce your costs with an effective PM program