Search Results for: cost

Common reasons why your reliability and maintenance improvement initiatives might not generate the achievable results (Part II)

There are many reasons why many reliability and maintenance management improvement initiatives do not generate the return of investment they can deliver. From my 58 years working in the field of operations and maintenance with many different organizations, I have found some common reasons, which I will share with you throughout this series of articles.

Common reasons why your reliability and maintenance improvement initiatives might not generate the achievable results (Part II) Read More »

2 Reasons Why Your Reliability and Maintenance Improvement Initiatives Might not Generate Achievable Results

I’ll summarize these two reasons for you and then give you more details. I’m going to tackle the first point in this article. Lack of long-term consistent leadership can be illustrated in the chart below: Here is a scenario I’ve seen at many mills & plants over the years: Many years ago an organization started

2 Reasons Why Your Reliability and Maintenance Improvement Initiatives Might not Generate Achievable Results Read More »

Key Performance Indicators & Front Line Maintenance Leaders

You can develop, document, and preach your improvement plans as much as you want, but if those plans do not result in better front line maintenance performance, you have just wasted money and time. T he front line of maintenance includes supervisors, planners, craftspeople and operations; all others in the maintenance organization exist to support

Key Performance Indicators & Front Line Maintenance Leaders Read More »

Detect problems early by training your operator in basic inspection techniques

An obvious resource is to use for early detection of problems is training your operator in basic inspection techniques. You may have heard of the terms TPM or Autonomous Maintenance, in reality it’s all about engaging your operators in caring and inspecting equipment. Who can better detect problems? They should be in tune with subtle

Detect problems early by training your operator in basic inspection techniques Read More »

The Partnership Organization

In poorly performing mills it is typical that production, maintenance and engineering organizations work in silos without much cooperation. The traditional view in these mills is that the maintenance organization delivers service to its customer which is the production organization and the engineering organization is called “the black hole” where requests for drawing and other

The Partnership Organization Read More »

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